InterCal Austria
InterCal Austria GmbH is a successful private company in the Austrian construction infrastructure sector and part of Wietersdorfer, which operates internationally with more than 70 companies in the Cement, Lime, Pipes and Industrial Mineral sectors. InterCal Austria GmbH is the operational holding company for all Wietersdorfer Lime companies, which are combined under the umbrella brand, InterCal. The company seat and lime production are located in Peggau, situated north of Graz, while the main office is based at the Wietersdorfer headquarters in Klagenfurt.
InterCal Croatia
InterCal Croatia d.o.o. covers the lime activities of Wietersdorf in Croatia. InterCal Croatia is based in Sirac, where the main plant with two lime kilns is also located. A second plant is located in Ličko Lešće, about halfway between Rijeka and Zadar. Thanks to its special raw material – dolomitic limestone – InterCal Croatia can focus on the steel industry and supplies customers far beyond the Croatian borders.
InterCal Slovenija
InterCal Slovenija is based in Zagorje ob Savi, about 60 kilometres east of Ljubljana. The history of InterCal Slovenija dates back to 1804. InterCal Slovenija became part of the Wietersdorfer Group in the broader sense in the course of its acquisition by Salonit d.d. in 2005; since 2014 it has been a subsidiary of today’s InterCal Austria GmbH.
In 2019 InterCal Slovenija took over the production and quarry of Apnenec d.o.o. for amplifying its product portfolio and securing its long term raw material supply.
Lime Business Segment
Within the Business Segment Lime, all lime-producing companies of Wietersdorfer are combined under the umbrella brand InterCal. Our trademark is high-quality products individually customised to the requirements of our industrial customers, hence our slogan – customised lime solutions. Our production is run as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient as possible and we are constantly working on improving our processes. Our plant in Peggau (InterCal Austria GmbH) is one of the most modern and advanced lime plants in Europe. We strive to leave the smallest necessary CO2 footprint with our processes; therefore, we are also successively switching to CO2 neutral and thus renewable fuels (wood dust).
“We not only supply our customers with high-quality limestone and lime products, but also with innovative solutions. Sustainability, reliability and trustworthiness, along with high operational flexibility, are the key factors of our success.”
Harald Braunecker, Managing Director of InterCal Austria GmbH
Calcitic and Dolomitic Limestone from Slovenia and Croatia
In Zagorje, Slovenia, 40 km east of Ljubljana, lime has been burned for 200 years. Here we produce calcitic and dolomitic limes for ecological and technological applications as well as hydrated lime and putty lime. The Sirač lime plant in Croatia specialises in the production of dolomitic limes, which are used as high-quality admixtures for various steelmaking processes. As hydrated lime, dolomitic lime is also characterised by very good processability for building materials.
Great diversity for Central and Eastern Europe
With five locations in the south of Austria, in central Slovenia and in Croatia, we can cover a large geographical area. With our calcitic and dolomitic limes, we can also serve a wide range of customers, from agriculture and forestry to the iron and steel industry, the chemical industry, the paper industry and the building materials industry.
Intercal expands
As demand for lime products from Sirac exceeds the current kiln capacity, a second kiln will go into operation this year.
Two factors are crucial here:
1.) The worldwide bottleneck in the production of refractory products. Among those affected is the steel industry, which is aware of the issue and is focusing its attention increasingly on the lining (firebricks) of their furnaces. Dolomitic lime from Sirac is well suited for this purpose as it protects the lining of the furnaces (subject to technical processes), prolonging necessary inspection intervals and thus reducing costs.
2.) An entirely different topic, but no less important for the lime plant in Sirac, is the increased promotion of agriculture in the CEE region, which leads to an increased demand for fertilizer lime.