Business Unit Cement & RMC
The business segment Cement & Concrete comprises the Wietersdorfer Group’s cement and ready-mix concrete activities. Since 2018 the Business Unit appears under the umbrella brand Alpacem.
The success story of this business segment began with the launch of the Wietersdorf cement plant in 1893.
Since that time, our activities have focused on matte mining, cement production and the construction material concrete.
We realised early on that, in concrete production, vertical integration is important if one wishes to control the development of the business segment. We can expand our expertise in construction materials every day by taking an integrated approach to all the steps of production and related issues under a single roof.
The cement production activities of the Wietersdorfer Group in Austria, Slovenia and Italy have been consolidated under Wietersdorfer Zementholding GmbH and the umbrella brand Alpacem.
In Austria, w&p Zement GmbH operates a fully integrated cement plant in Wietersdorf (approximately 40 km north of Klagenfurt) and a cement mill in Peggau (near Graz). Salonit d.d. is active in Slovenia, with a cement production plant in Anhovo (near Nova Gorica) and a terminal in Ljubljana. w&p Cementi SpA is located in Italy, with a cement mill in Cadola (near Belluno) and a terminal in San Vito al Tagliamento (near Pordenone).
The plants have a combined capacity of around 2.0 million metric tonnes of cement and binding agents per year.
Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC)
The Wietersdorfer Group is active in the concrete and cement sectors in three different countries. In Austria, w&p Beton GmbH and its subsidiaries supply concrete to customers in Carinthia and Styria. In Slovenia, the Salonit subsidiary Rokava d.o.o. operates two ready-mix concrete plants in Koper and Dekani. In Italy, Friulana Calcestruzzi s.r.l. operates six concrete plants and supplies customers located in the area between Pordenone and Udine.
The 12 concrete plants situated near the cement plants in the Alpine-Adriatic Region produce a total of around 250,000 m³ of ready-mix concrete per year.

Our Companies in the Alpe-Adria Region
Wietersdorfer Alpacem GMBH, the holding company of the Wietersdorfer Group’s Cement & Concrete business segment, is based in Klagenfurt, where strategic decisions on the further development of the business segment in Austria, Slovenia and Italy are made. Since 2018 the Business Unit appears in the Alpe-Adriatic Region under the umbrella brand Alpacem.
We operate in 19 different locations in the Alpine-Adriatic Region and can look back on decades of experience with cement and concrete. We take our responsibilities towards the region and the environment very seriously. The expansion of our business segment is based not on creating new capacities, but on transferring the Wietersdorfer Group’s corporate culture into new markets while integrating existing synergies and experience. With consistent expansion, our Group has evolved into a regional provider with international expertise.
Wietersdorfer was founded 125 years ago as a cement manufacturer. To this day, cement remains a building material that “supports” our buildings and infrastructure and will continue to play a major role in the future.
Lutz Weber, Head of Business Unit Cement & RMC
Cement & concrete are the construction materials of our time. We continuously pass on the extensive knowledge acquired by integrating mining, cement production and concrete production to our customers. Continuous investments in the efficiency and environmental friendliness of cement and concrete production ensure that concrete remains a competitive construction material.
Bernhard Auer, Lutz Weber, Managing Director, Wietersdorfer Zementholding

Customer Orientation for Market Leadership
Our aim is to expand and strengthen our leading position in the Alpine-Adriatic Region (Austria, Northern Italy and Slovenia). We focus on customer orientation and continuous technological development. Our focus on the customer is assured through close cooperation between sales, development & quality assurance, and production. If required, our concrete technologists can support our customers in all aspects of concrete production. We invest in modern analysis systems that enable us to control our processes efficiently. This means that we are 100% fit for the future – both today and tomorrow.
Cement & the Environment
Environmental protection and sustainability have been an integral part of operations in the Wietersdorfer Group from the very outset. We aim to constantly refine our products and optimise our production processes with regard to resource conservation and energy efficiency. We constantly reduce our CO2 emissions (by increasing the proportions of alternative fuels, optimising logistics and using electric vehicles), making us a leader in this area. We are also setting new standards in exhaust gas purification at our plants (a mercury reduction facility and thermal oxidation in Wietersdorf, increasing transparency by publishing the data measured at the Wietersdorf and Anhovo plants on an ongoing basis).
In addition to the two fully integrated sites in Wietersdorf and Anhovo, all the other plants within the business segment are also equipped with optimised environmental technology.