Recently, the ground-breaking ceremony for the revitalization and expansion of the KKC’s own hydroelectric power plants along the Görtschitz took place. In the future, depending on the water flow of the Görtschitz, these will supply the Wietersdorf plant with approx. 25% renewable green energy. The investment of € 10 million increases the CO2-free electricity yield by about 12%. The three existing power plants (Wietersdorf I, Hornburg II and Eberstein III) will be completely modernized, while the power stations II and III will be merged and replaced by a new one. Likewise, the power plant I is brought to the current state of the art and replaced by a new building. Overall, the power plant chain’s output will increase to 18,000 MWh, which corresponds to a supply capacity of approx. 3,600 4-person households.
For history buffs: The original power plant I at the location Wietersdorf made 1893 just 37KWh.